Youth Clubs

For years now the majority of us have been talking about the state of Muslim youth today and through the mercy and blessings of Allah a group of dedicated brothers and sisters has turned all the talk of yesterday into action today!

With that we are pleased to announce the opening of our own fully functioning youth club.  There are dedicated supervised sessions for our young brothers and sisters with planned activities for anyone who wants to join in just drop by and play games, make new friends and catch up with old ones.

For all those of you who would like to become more involved with the youth club we are currently recruiting volunteer youth leaders of both genders to plan, organise and supervise activities in the youth club.

All young people who would like to attend the youth club require the express consent of their parents or legal guardians so please fill out the youth club registration form and the Emergency Contact Form below and return it to gro.acikmnull@htuoy or hand it in to one of our current youth club supervisors.

Ever since our inception MKICA has never sought any outside funding for any of our activities, choosing instead to raise funds through direct fundraising in our community and in communities around the country.  We need your help to continue developing the youth club and expanding the services and activities it can offer to our young people so next time you are thinking about making a charitable donation think about our youth.

For more information about the youth clubs please email us on gro.acikmnull@htuoy and check out the youth club schedule on Activities Timetable Page.


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