Eid ul-Adha 2016 Announcement and Salah Times

We would like to announce to the community that it will be Eid ul-Adha on Monday 12th September 2016 Insha Allah. The Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah started on Saturday 3rd of September and Sunday 11th of September will therefore be the day of Arafah. Eid Mubaarak to all members of our congregation and the Muslim community of Milton Keynes.

Lectures: Weekend Of 27th -28th February 2016

Respected Brothers and Sisters, We are pleased to announce to the community that we will Insha Allah be getting visits from prominent lecturers who will visit our Masjid and deliver lectures this weekend Insha Allah. The schedule for the lectures is below:

2 Day Intensive Course

Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce that an intensive 2 Day Course will be held at the Masjid this coming weekend Insha Allah details of which are below:

Result Of The Survey

A couple of months ago, we published an article on this website regarding a survey that was being conducted by a team of volunteers from within the community, asking the community members to fill-out a short survey designed to gauge the community’s feeling regarding the prospect of establishing a full time children’s Islamic School in Milton Keynes.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Eid ul-Adha 2016 Announcement & Salah Times

Eid ul-Adha 2016 Announcement & Salah Times

We would like to announce to the community that it will be Eid ul-Adha on Monday 12th September 2016 Insha Allah. The Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah started on Saturday 3rd of September and Sunday 11th of September will therefore be the day of Arafah.
Eid Mubaarak to all the members of our congregation and the Muslim community of Milton Keynes and beyond.

2 Day Intensive Course

2 Day Intensive Course

Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce that an intensive 2 Day Course will be held at the Masjid this coming weekend Insha Allah details of which are below:
Course: Al-Usool As-Sittah (The Six Fundamental Principles) By Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdiwahhaab
Delivered by: Shaykh Abdul Abbas Naveed Ayaaz
(Graduate of University of Madeenah and studied with Shaykh Saalih As-Suhaymi, Shaykh Ali Bin Naasir Al-Faqeeh, Shaykh Ibraheem Ar-Ruhaylee and Shaykh Haytham Sarhaan)
There will be several classes run throughout Saturday 9th April and Sunday 10th April 2016 Insha Allah and their timings are:
Saturday 9th April 2016:
Session 1 (After Dhuhr) – 13:45 – 14:30
Session 2 (After Asr) – 17:30 – 18:15
Session 3 (After a short break) – 18:35 – 19:30
Session 4 (After Maghrib) – 20:15 – 21:15

Sunday 10th April 2016:
Session 5 (After Fajr) – 05:30 – 06:30
Session 6 (After Dhuhr) – 13:45 – 14:30
Session 7 (Before Asr) – 16:00  – 17:00
Session 8 (After Asr) – 17:30 – 18:30
Study resources will be distributed free of charge to all attendees and there will be a free optional examination at the end of the course insha Allah.

Lectures: Weekend Of 27th -28th February 2016

Lectures: Weekend Of 27th -28th February 2016

Respected Brothers & Sisters,
We are pleased to announce to the community that we will Insha Allah be getting visits from prominent lecturers who will visit our Masjid and deliver lectures this weekend Insha Allah. The schedule for the lectures is below:
Date: Saturday 27th February 2016
Time: After Maghrib prayers @ 17:38
Shaykh: Dr Sayeid Al-Jamee
Topic: Love: An Islamic Perspective
Language: English
Date: Sunday 28th February 2016
Time: After Maghrib prayers @ 17:40
Shaykh: Lofti Dajafar
Topic: The Importance Of Prayer
Language: English

As you can see from the schedule above, the weekend is jam packed with lectures and reminders and we hope that you will all take advantage of this opportunity and attend in big numbers insha Allah.

Result Of The Survey

Result Of The Survey

Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
A couple of months ago, we published an article on this website regarding a survey that was being conducted by a team of volunteers from within the community, asking the community members to fill-out a short survey designed to gauge the community’s feeling regarding the prospect of establishing a full time children’s Islamic School in Milton Keynes.
The survey has now been concluded and its results announced last Friday at the Masjid and we are hereby only sharing the same results for the benefit of the wider community and for those who were not present on the day.
The team would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has participated in completing the survey and everyone who helped in one way or another. Jazakkum Allah kheyr.
Alhamdulillah, the outcome of the survey was very positive and it is evident from this survey, that the community feels there should be a full-time quality children’s Islamic school established in Milton Keynes to cater for the growing needs of the community. Below is a poster summarizing the surveys results.

Weekend Lectures

Weekend Lectures 

Assalamu Aleikum Brothers & Sisters,
Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce to the community that we will insha Allah have two lectures this weekend and their details are as follows:
Dr Mohammed Sayeid Al-Jamee will insha Allah give his lecture on:
Saturday 28th November 2015 
Time: After Maghrib @ 15:57
Topic: Salaam: The Etiquettes of Muslims
Language: English
Venue for the lecture: 401 Al-Rawdha
Then Sheikh Abdiweli Hassan Abdinasir will insha Allah give his lecture on:
Sunday 29th November 2015
Time:After Maghrib @ 15:56
Topic: TBC
Language: Somali
Venue for the lecture: 401 Al-Rawdha
Everyone is welcome
As usual, the lectures are open to all, brothers and sisters, Muslims and non-Muslims, young and old. The turnout has been great for the previous lectures and we hope that you all continue to come and benefit from the sheikhs insha Allah. Please come early so as not to disturb the lecture once it has started. We look forward to seeing you all insha Allah.

Islamic School In MK Survey

Islamic School In MK Survey

Assalamu Aleikum Brothers & Sisters,Online-Survey-Icon-or-logo
We are conducting a feasibility study regarding the need for establishing a full time children’s Islamic School in Milton Keynes in the future insha Allah and in order to gauge the communities need regarding this matter, we have set up a short online survey that we require as many members of the community as possible to take part in and fill-out the questionnaire.
The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and is totally anonymised. The volunteering brothers carrying out this study request that Muslim parents in the Milton Keynes area and its surroundings take part in this short survey so that they can get an accurate picture of the need and report back the result to the community once completed Insha Allah.
We thank you all in advance for your help. The survey can be found here.

Eid ul-Adha 2015

Eid ul-Adha 2015

Assalamu Alaikum dear Brothers & Sisters,
Due to the recent weather conditions, it is not possible to pray at the park as we had wished. Instead, we will pray at our Masjid insha Allah. There will be two congregations held to try and accommodate everyone. Eid ul-Adha is as you know on Thursday 24th August 2015.
The first congregation will be held at 07:45 am insha Allah followed by another one at 09:30 am.
Due to Eid being on a weekday and the parking spaces in the area being very limited, we would like to ask you that you do not occupy the parking spaces immediately surrounding the Masjid as they are normally used by staff working in the city. Instead it is recommended that you use parking at Sainsbury’s, the shopping centre or use public transport where possible.
Taqabal Allah mina wa minkum and Eid Mubarak to you all.