Eid ul-Adha 2016 Announcement and Salah Times

We would like to announce to the community that it will be Eid ul-Adha on Monday 12th September 2016 Insha Allah. The Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah started on Saturday 3rd of September and Sunday 11th of September will therefore be the day of Arafah. Eid Mubaarak to all members of our congregation and the Muslim community of Milton Keynes.

Lectures: Weekend Of 27th -28th February 2016

Respected Brothers and Sisters, We are pleased to announce to the community that we will Insha Allah be getting visits from prominent lecturers who will visit our Masjid and deliver lectures this weekend Insha Allah. The schedule for the lectures is below:

2 Day Intensive Course

Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce that an intensive 2 Day Course will be held at the Masjid this coming weekend Insha Allah details of which are below:

Result Of The Survey

A couple of months ago, we published an article on this website regarding a survey that was being conducted by a team of volunteers from within the community, asking the community members to fill-out a short survey designed to gauge the community’s feeling regarding the prospect of establishing a full time children’s Islamic School in Milton Keynes.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Eid ul-Adha 2016 Announcement & Salah Times

Eid ul-Adha 2016 Announcement & Salah Times

We would like to announce to the community that it will be Eid ul-Adha on Monday 12th September 2016 Insha Allah. The Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah started on Saturday 3rd of September and Sunday 11th of September will therefore be the day of Arafah.
Eid Mubaarak to all the members of our congregation and the Muslim community of Milton Keynes and beyond.

2 Day Intensive Course

2 Day Intensive Course

Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce that an intensive 2 Day Course will be held at the Masjid this coming weekend Insha Allah details of which are below:
Course: Al-Usool As-Sittah (The Six Fundamental Principles) By Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdiwahhaab
Delivered by: Shaykh Abdul Abbas Naveed Ayaaz
(Graduate of University of Madeenah and studied with Shaykh Saalih As-Suhaymi, Shaykh Ali Bin Naasir Al-Faqeeh, Shaykh Ibraheem Ar-Ruhaylee and Shaykh Haytham Sarhaan)
There will be several classes run throughout Saturday 9th April and Sunday 10th April 2016 Insha Allah and their timings are:
Saturday 9th April 2016:
Session 1 (After Dhuhr) – 13:45 – 14:30
Session 2 (After Asr) – 17:30 – 18:15
Session 3 (After a short break) – 18:35 – 19:30
Session 4 (After Maghrib) – 20:15 – 21:15

Sunday 10th April 2016:
Session 5 (After Fajr) – 05:30 – 06:30
Session 6 (After Dhuhr) – 13:45 – 14:30
Session 7 (Before Asr) – 16:00  – 17:00
Session 8 (After Asr) – 17:30 – 18:30
Study resources will be distributed free of charge to all attendees and there will be a free optional examination at the end of the course insha Allah.

Lectures: Weekend Of 27th -28th February 2016

Lectures: Weekend Of 27th -28th February 2016

Respected Brothers & Sisters,
We are pleased to announce to the community that we will Insha Allah be getting visits from prominent lecturers who will visit our Masjid and deliver lectures this weekend Insha Allah. The schedule for the lectures is below:
Date: Saturday 27th February 2016
Time: After Maghrib prayers @ 17:38
Shaykh: Dr Sayeid Al-Jamee
Topic: Love: An Islamic Perspective
Language: English
Date: Sunday 28th February 2016
Time: After Maghrib prayers @ 17:40
Shaykh: Lofti Dajafar
Topic: The Importance Of Prayer
Language: English

As you can see from the schedule above, the weekend is jam packed with lectures and reminders and we hope that you will all take advantage of this opportunity and attend in big numbers insha Allah.

Result Of The Survey

Result Of The Survey

Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
A couple of months ago, we published an article on this website regarding a survey that was being conducted by a team of volunteers from within the community, asking the community members to fill-out a short survey designed to gauge the community’s feeling regarding the prospect of establishing a full time children’s Islamic School in Milton Keynes.
The survey has now been concluded and its results announced last Friday at the Masjid and we are hereby only sharing the same results for the benefit of the wider community and for those who were not present on the day.
The team would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has participated in completing the survey and everyone who helped in one way or another. Jazakkum Allah kheyr.
Alhamdulillah, the outcome of the survey was very positive and it is evident from this survey, that the community feels there should be a full-time quality children’s Islamic school established in Milton Keynes to cater for the growing needs of the community. Below is a poster summarizing the surveys results.

Weekend Lectures

Weekend Lectures 

Assalamu Aleikum Brothers & Sisters,
Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce to the community that we will insha Allah have two lectures this weekend and their details are as follows:
Dr Mohammed Sayeid Al-Jamee will insha Allah give his lecture on:
Saturday 28th November 2015 
Time: After Maghrib @ 15:57
Topic: Salaam: The Etiquettes of Muslims
Language: English
Venue for the lecture: 401 Al-Rawdha
Then Sheikh Abdiweli Hassan Abdinasir will insha Allah give his lecture on:
Sunday 29th November 2015
Time:After Maghrib @ 15:56
Topic: TBC
Language: Somali
Venue for the lecture: 401 Al-Rawdha
Everyone is welcome
As usual, the lectures are open to all, brothers and sisters, Muslims and non-Muslims, young and old. The turnout has been great for the previous lectures and we hope that you all continue to come and benefit from the sheikhs insha Allah. Please come early so as not to disturb the lecture once it has started. We look forward to seeing you all insha Allah.

Islamic School In MK Survey

Islamic School In MK Survey

Assalamu Aleikum Brothers & Sisters,Online-Survey-Icon-or-logo
We are conducting a feasibility study regarding the need for establishing a full time children’s Islamic School in Milton Keynes in the future insha Allah and in order to gauge the communities need regarding this matter, we have set up a short online survey that we require as many members of the community as possible to take part in and fill-out the questionnaire.
The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and is totally anonymised. The volunteering brothers carrying out this study request that Muslim parents in the Milton Keynes area and its surroundings take part in this short survey so that they can get an accurate picture of the need and report back the result to the community once completed Insha Allah.
We thank you all in advance for your help. The survey can be found here.

Eid ul-Adha 2015

Eid ul-Adha 2015

Assalamu Alaikum dear Brothers & Sisters,
Due to the recent weather conditions, it is not possible to pray at the park as we had wished. Instead, we will pray at our Masjid insha Allah. There will be two congregations held to try and accommodate everyone. Eid ul-Adha is as you know on Thursday 24th August 2015.
The first congregation will be held at 07:45 am insha Allah followed by another one at 09:30 am.
Due to Eid being on a weekday and the parking spaces in the area being very limited, we would like to ask you that you do not occupy the parking spaces immediately surrounding the Masjid as they are normally used by staff working in the city. Instead it is recommended that you use parking at Sainsbury’s, the shopping centre or use public transport where possible.
Taqabal Allah mina wa minkum and Eid Mubarak to you all.

Connect With The Quran

Connect With The Quran

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Brothers & Sisters,
You are all invited to attend this Quran study event titled: Connect With the Quran Study being held at Masjid Al-Rawdha and being presented by a visiting Imam from Hayes Muslim Centre at the dates & times below:
Dates: Friday 31st July 2015 & again repeated on Saturday 1st August 2015
Time: 18:00 (06:00 pm)
Presenter: Ustaadh & Imam Haaris Abdus Sammad

Eid ul Fitr 2015

Eid ul Fitr 2015

UPDATE: Thursday 16/07/2015
It has been confirmed that Eid ul-Fitr will be on Friday 17th July 2015 Insha Allah
May Allah accept our fasting and prayers during Ramadhan. The program for Eid will be as follow:

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Dear Brothers & Sisters,
As we are coming towards the end of the blessed month of Ramadhan we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala to accept our Ibaadah and forgive our sins. The preparations for Eid ul Fitr are underway and we will insha Allah pray salatul Eid outdoors at Furzton park as we did for the last few years.
We are of course unable to predict when Eid will be and have to wait for the new moon to be sighted before we can confirm on the eve of Eid Insha Allah. It is however expected to be either on Friday or Saturday Insha Allah. Either way, the programme and the schedule for the day is as follows Insha Allah:
directions_iconMap & Directions
The park is situated in Furzton along the V4 Watling Street and is opposite Loughton Valley Park located a few hundred meters past the National Bowl. The park consists of two green fields; the larger one will be used as a car park while the smaller field will be used as a musalla for the day. As usual, there will be volunteers wearing high vis jackets to receive you and guide you when you arrive the venue. Please show them your respect and gratitude and co-operate with them insha Allah, after all they are volunteers who have given their time to help organise this important event for us all. If you can spare some time for the day and would like to volunteer, please do so by approaching one of the team at the park.
schedule iconSchedule
The Park is open and the volunteers will arrive early insha Allah ahead of everyone else. The takbir will start at 09:00 and prayers at 09:30. Being a weekday it is likely that you will encounter traffic on your way and congestion in the area when you arrive so please give yourself enough time. Please observe the one way traffic at the park and ensure that you don’t block the traffic on the road attempting to turn right into the park, instead proceed to the roundabout and come back again so that you can turn left into the park.
Takbir: It is Sunnah to start saying the Eid Takbir from the moment you leave your house and continue to do so throughout until the sermon finishes insha Allah. Please follow this link if you are unfamiliar with the Takbir and need to learn it. It may be beneficial to print it and bring it with you as a reminder to yourself.
Parking will be on the larger field. There should be enough parking spaces insha Allah, but please follow the instructions of our volunteering brothers who will try to manage the space efficiently and in accordance with the health & safety regulations.
microphone Khutbah (The Sermon)
The Eid sermon (Khutbah) commences immediately after the Eid prayer so please be seated and stay in your places until it finishes and once again please follow the instructions of our volunteers insha Allah for a smooth departure from the park.
reminderWhat to Bring
The park will be furnished with a waterproof sheet to help keep you dry, but please bring with you a sajjadah/musalla (prayer mat) insha Allah. If you have a spare one, please bring it for a brother or a sister who might have forgotten to bring in theirs. Please note that there are no facilities for wudhu (ablution) at the park so please make your wudhu before leaving your house.
cloud.rainIn Case of rain
The weather has been great and we have been blessed with mostly warm sunny days this month. We hope and pray that it will remain so on the day of Eid insha Allah. If however, the weather changes for the worse and it is raining on the day, then we will pray at our masjid insha Allah. Please keep an eye on our website for an announcement insha Allah. If no change of plan is announced, then we shall all pray at Furzton insha Allah.
If you would like to be notified immediately of any change of plan via instant messages (WhatsApp), please send an SMS containing “Masjid” to 07746351293 and also save this number as Masjid Al-Rawdha on your phone so that you get notified of Masjid Announcements. Please note, this number is for multicast messages only so don’t send other messages to it as it is not monitored.
Baaraka Allahu feekum all and may Allah reward you plenty for your good deeds. Wishing each and everyone of you a happy Eid ul Fitr.

Ramadhan Kareem

Ramadhan Kareem

Masjid Al-Rawdha would hereby like to announce to the Muslim Community of Milton Keynes that the blessed month of Ramadhan 2015/1436 will begin on Thursday 18/06/2015 Insha Allah and as such, the first congregation of Salatul Taraweeh prayers will be held on Wednesday 17/06/2015 straight after Isha prayers Insha Allah. The prayers will be led by Sheikh Ahmed Shardy from Egypt.
May we please remind all brothers attending the Masjid for Taraweeh to park their vehicles at the back of the building and to also use the back entrance of the Masjid as the front entrance will be reserved for the sisters. May we also remind everyone attending the Masjid for Taraweeh to be mindful of our neighbours and be very quiet in and around the Masjid at all times.
Wishing everyone of the community Ramadhan Kareem. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala accept our sawm and ibadah insha Allah.

A Mini Conference With Guest Speakers On 29th – 31st May 2015

A Mini Conference With Guest Speakers On 29th – 31st May 2015

Assalamu Aleikum Brothers & Sisters,
Masjid Al-Rawdha is pleased to announce to the community that a Mini Islamic Conference will take place at the Masjid this weekend Insha Allah. We have a number of Islamic scholars lined up for this conference giving lectures and advice about a range of relevant and interesting topics. The schedule and details of the conference is as follows:
Date: Friday 29th May 2015
Time: 18:00
Speaker: Dr AbdulMajid Ali
Topic: Servants of Rahman: Selected verses from Surat Al-Furqan
Date: Saturday 30th May 2015
Time: 18:00
Speaker: Dr Mohammad Sayeid Al-Jamee
Topic: Intercession in Islam – The correct understanding – Part 2
Date: Saturday 30th May 2015
Time: 19:45
Speaker: Dr Uthman Lateef
Topic: Envy
Date: Sunday 31st May 2015
Time: 13:50
Speaker: Dr Aqeel Mahmood
Topic: Time management in the light of Qur’an & Sunnah
Date: Sunday 31st May 2015
Time: 18:00
Speaker: Dr Omer El-Hamdoon
Topic: “Ramadhan, The change starts here”
As you can see from the schedule above, we have an impressive line up of scholars and a range of interesting topics and we encourage you all to attend and benefit from these talks Insha Allah.

Solar Eclipse (Salat-Al-Kusuf)

Solar Eclipse (Salat-Al-Kusuf)

On Friday, March 20th, Insha Allah, we are expected to witness a solar eclipse. During this time, the Prophet (saw) would observe Salat-al-Kusuf followed by a short khutbah in congregation. Performing this sunnah is to remind us all of Allah’s Might and Power over all things such as the motions of the moon and sun.
This sunnah prayer will be held at the masjid @ 08:30 Insha Allah if the eclipse is sighted.

Muslim Girls Gathering

Muslim Girls Gathering

Muslim Girls Gathering is an event for girls aged 12+ only planned to take place this Friday, October 31st 2014 17:00 – 22:00 @ Chikco Restaurant in Great Linford.
It promises to be a fun packed event with food, sisterhood, games, activities, a presentation and a video.You are also invited to come and learn about the Origins of halloween. For booking and more details please see the poster below:

3-In-1 Event For The Youth

3-In-1 Event For The Youth

There will be a series of activities planned to take place this week Insha Allah for our youngsters. 3-In-1 is an event for each day this week Tuesday – Thursday. For details please see the following poster:

Teen Girls Eid Gathering

Teen Girls Eid Gathering

An event titled Teen Girls Eid Gathering is being organised for the girls this Eid on Sunday 5th October 2014 from 17:45 to get together and celebrate Eid. There are fun packed activities as listed in the poster below. Please contact the named individuals in the poster if you have any questions.
TeenGirl gathering

Bank Holiday Weekend Lectures

Bank Holiday Weekend Lectures

Respected Brothers & Sisters, We are pleased to announce to the community that we will Insha Allah be getting visits from several prominent lecturers who will visit our Masjid and deliver lectures throughout the upcoming bank holiday weekend including: Shaykh Muhammad Tim Humble from Piece TV, Shaykh Abu Omar Abdulaziz from Toronto, Canada & Shaykh Bashir Salaat. The schedule for these lectures is below:
Date: Friday 22nd August 2014
Time: After Maghrib prayers @ 20:13
Shaykh: Muhammad Tim Humble
Topic: Sticking To The Sunnah
Language: English
Date: Saturday 23nd August 2014
Time: After Asr prayers @ 17:15
Shaykh: Muhammad Tim Humble
Topic: Salaf Us-Salih
Language: English
Date: Sunday 24nd August 2014
Time: After Asr prayers @ 17:15
Shaykh: Abu Omar Abdulaziz
Topic: TBC
Language: Swahili
Date: Monday 25nd August 2014
Time: After Asr prayers @ 17:15
Shaykh: Bashir Salaat
Topic: TBC
Language: Somali
As you can see from the schedule above, the weekend is jam packed with lectures and reminders and we hope that you will all take advantage of this opportunity and attend in big numbers insha Allah.

Lecture: The 3 Fundamental Principles Of Islam

Lecture: The 3 Fundamental Principles Of Islam

Update: Unfortunately the lecture got cancelled. We will try to reschedule it for another time Insha Allah.
Respected Brothers & Sisters, We are pleased to announce to the community that we will Insha Allah be getting a visit from Shaykh Zulfiker Ibrahim Memom who will deliver a series of important lectures and reminders throughout the weekend starting with Friday’s khutbah Insha Allah. The rest of the program will be as follow Insha Allah:
The Topic of the main lecture is: The 3 Fundamental Principles Of Islam (split into 3 sessions)
  • Friday 1st August 2014 After Asr @ 18:00: 1st Principle
  • Friday 1st August 2014 After Isha @ 22:30: A reminder

  • Saturday 2nd August 2014 After Fajr @ 04:30: A reminder
  • Saturday 2nd August 2014 After Dhuhr @ 13:30: Tafseer Surat Al-Fatiha
  • Saturday 2nd August 2014 After Asr @ 18:00: 2nd Principle
  • Saturday 2nd August 2014 After Isha @ 22:30: A reminder

  • Sunday 3nd August 2014 After Fajr @ 04:30: A reminder
  • Sunday 3nd August 2014 After Dhuhr @ 13:30: Tafseer Surat Al-Fatiha
  • Sunday 3nd August 2014 After Asr @ 18:00: 3rd Principle
As you can see from the schedule above, the weekend is jam packed with lectures and reminders and we hope that you will all take advantage of this opportunity and attend in big numbers insha Allah.
3 fundamental principle ustaadh zulfiker

Eid ul Fitr 2014

Eid ul Fitr 2014

Masjid Al-Rawdha would like to wish the community a happy and blessed Eid ul Fitr. We hereby announce the arrival of Eid ul Fitr being on Monday 28th July 2014 and we will insha Allah pray salatul Eid outdoors in Furzton park as we did last year. The schedule & the program details are as follows:

Map & Directions
The park is situated in Furzton along the V4 Watling Street and is opposite Loughton Valley Park located a few hundred meters past the National Bowl. The park consists of two green fields; the larger one will be used as a car park while the smaller field will be used as a musalla for the day. As usual, there will be volunteers wearing high vis jackets to receive you and guide you when you arrive the venue. Please show them your respect and gratitude and co-operate with them insha Allah, after all they are volunteers who have given their time to help organise this important event for us all. If you can spare some time for the day and would like to volunteer, please do so by approaching one of the team at the park.
schedule iconSchedule
The Park is open and the volunteers will arrive early insha Allah ahead of everyone else. The takbir will start at 09:00 and prayers at 09:30. Being a weekday it is likely that you will encounter traffic on your way and congestion in the area when you arrive so please give yourself enough time. Please observe the one way traffic at the park and ensure that you don’t block the traffic on the road attempting to turn right into the park, instead proceed to the roundabout and come back again so that you can turn left into the park.
Takbir: It is Sunnah to start saying the Eid Takbir from the moment you leave your house and continue to do so throughout until the sermon finishes insha Allah. Please follow this link if you are unfamiliar with the Takbir and need to learn it. It may be beneficial to print it and bring it with you as a reminder to yourself.

Parking will be on the larger field. There should be enough parking spaces insha Allah, but please follow the instructions of our volunteering brothers who will try to manage the space efficiently and in accordance with the health & safety regulations.

microphone Khutbah (The Sermon)
The Eid sermon (Khutbah) commences immediately after the Eid prayer so please be seated and stay in your places until it finishes and once again please follow the instructions of our volunteers insha Allah for a smooth departure from the park.

reminderWhat to Bring
The park will be furnished with a waterproof sheet to help keep you dry, but please bring with you a sajjadah/musalla (prayer mat) insha Allah. If you have a spare one, please bring it for a brother or a sister who might have forgotten to bring in theirs. Please note that there are no facilities for wudhu (ablution) at the park so please make your wudhu before leaving your house.

cloud.rainIn Case of rain
The weather has been great and we have been blessed with hot sunny days this month. We hope and pray that it will remain so on the day of Eid insha Allah. If however, the weather changes and it is raining on the day, then we will pray at our masjid insha Allah. Please keep an eye on our website for an announcement insha Allah. If no change of plan is announced, then we shall all pray at Furzton insha Allah.
Baraka Allahu feekum all and may Allah reward you plenty for your good deeds. Wishing each and everyone of you a happy Eid ul Fitr. Below is a pre-recorded short video clip from members of the community wishing you Eid Mubarak.

Henna Gathering

Henna Gathering

Sisters who are interested in getting Henna done for Eid are invited to attend a sisters only Henna gathering on Sunday 27th July 2014 @ 18:00 – 20:00 at the Madrassa room on the ground floor of the masjid.
Henna poster

Thorpe Park Trip

Thorpe Park Trip

Assalamu Aleikum All,
We arranged a very successful trip to Thorpe Park last year for the boys and this time, we are arranging one for the girls Insha Allah. Next week being Eid, this will be the perfect opportunity for the girls to celebrate Eid Insha Allah.
Places are limited though to 50 seats only and the minimum age to participate is 12 so please reserve your place(s) early so that you don’t get disappointed. (If you are under 12 don’t worry, we’ve got you covered as well. There is another fun packed activity you can participate in, look for the post following this Insha Allah).
Please also note that the trip can be cancelled if there isn’t a demand and too few places are booked to not justify the total cost of the trip. The cost per person (estimated on all places being booked) is £31.50 which covers transport and entrance fee and has to be paid in advance to one of the ladies named in the poster below so please act quickly as the deadline is tomorrow Friday 25th.

Eid 4 Kids @ 360

Eid 4 Kids @ 360

Families with young children are invited to celebrate Eid with their children on Wednesday 30th of July 2014 between 18:00 – 20:00 @ 360 Play in Knowlhill Milton Keynes.
360 Play has been developed to stimulate families physically, mentally and socially.It has developed core areas of play activities to challenge and entertain even the most active of children. Having time and space to play gives children the opportunity to meet, socialise and make new friends, it keeps them physically active and gives them the freedom to make their own choices.
360 Play provides the safe & secure environment that today’s parents are looking for to enable their children to develop how we once did. By building resilience through risk taking and challenge, problem solving, and dealing with new and novel situations children play and learn crucial life skills sadly missing in today’s soft culture.
If you have never been to 360 Play before and want to see some of the facilities they have, take a look at these 360 virtual tour images. You might be persuaded to attend once you see the facilities on offer( Click the links which will open in a new window each): image 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5
What is on offer for this event:
  • Plenty of Fun for the children and parents
  • Halal Food is available (inclusive for the children)
  • An Islamic Atmosphere is created
For fee’s, registration and further enquiries, please see the poster below:
360 play2