Sunday, August 20, 2017

Lectures By Visiting Sheikhs On The Weekend Of 12th – 13th April

Lectures By Visiting Sheikhs On The Weekend Of 12th – 13th April

Brothers & Sisters, we are pleased to announce that we will insha Allah get visits this weekend from the two Bismillasheikhs: Sheikh Abdul-Majid Ali & Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi who will both deliver a lecture each at the times shown below:
Sheikh Abdul-Majid Ali will insha Allah give his lecture on:
Saturday 12th April 2014 
Time: After Maghrib @ 19:45
Topic: The Qur’an Will Be Raised Before The Day Of Judgement
Then Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi will give his lecture on:
Sunday 13th April 2014
Time: After Asr @ 17:15
Topic: Our Relationship With The Quran
Venue: 401 Al-Rawdha
Everyone is welcome
As usual, the lectures are open to all, brothers and sisters, Muslims and non-Muslims, young and old. Also, as the schools will be on break, we encourage parents to bring their children to the masjid and benefit from the lectures Insha Allah. Please come early so as not to disturb the lecture once it has started. We look forward to seeing you there insha Allah.
Lecture Banner


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