Sunday, August 20, 2017

Thorpe Trip Report

Thorpe Trip Report

All-praise is to Allah for making this trip become a successful trip. Last month, The Youth Committee camephoto-23together to organize a trip for our beloved Muslim teenagers in Milton Keynes for a trip to Thorpe Park. For transport, We decided to hire a coach to shuttle 40 youngsters and 9 adult volunteers to the theme park. May Allah reward the Masjid Committee for paying for the bus and the volunteers for sacrificing their time to make this trip a success.
We thank Allah as Everything went according to plan with just few mistakes but nothing we couldn’t solve or handle. Once we reached Thorpe park the boys couldn’t wait to get on the rides. As soon as they entered, they went in groups of friends to enjoy the day. Some went on the Roller-coaster rides and others decided to get wet and get on the water rides.
I myself went to have some fun with with some of my friends and only took a break at just before dhuhr to havephoto-6edlunch then followed up with dhuhr prayer in the park. We continued to enjoy ourselves until 17:30 when it was time to all gather at the agreed meeting place in time for our coach ride back home.
When we asked the boys who went to the trip about their experience and whether they had a fun day, by the grace of Allah we got a very positive response from all of them. The aim of the trip was to create bond between the Masjid, the adult volunteers and our youngsters in Milton Keynes and organize a fun packed day trip while all along maintaining islamic manners and etiquette prioritizing Allah before anything else and i think that we have achieved that.
This was the first trip the youth committee has organized and it turned out to be a great experience for us all and insha Allah, next time we will try our best to improve it and also organize similar trips for the sisters. Lastly, all success is from Allah.
Your brother in islam,
Abu Firdous
For more pictures from the trip please go to the Photo Gallery


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