Sunday, August 20, 2017

Website Revamped

Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu and welcome to our revamped and revitalised website!Website Screenshot  May Allah subhanuhu wa ta’ala reward all those who gave their time, effort and energy into helping us craft this new look website insha Allah.
Over time it is our sincerest hope that this site grows into a valuable resource for the whole community, one that helps us all to bond as an ummah and form strong bonds with our Masjid insha Allah.
This is your site so please feel free to contribute to it, would you like to post an interesting article? Review a book? Rate a course you have attended? Would you like to post announcements about births, marriages and condolences messages? Please email us at gro.acikm@ytinummoc
Thank you for bearing with us whilst the site was being constructed and if you experience any difficulties or come across any irregularities whilst perusing this site please drop us a quick email to gro.acikm@rotartsinimda any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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